FCPE Update

We need 1 more member to contribute to FCPE to defend our title as the local within all of OEA with the highest percent participation.  Another CEA (Cardinal EA) currently has the lead at 84.1% participation and we are at 83.5%.  If we have 1 more person contribute we will be at 84.4% and the top local in the state. If 7 more people contribute we will be at an awesome 90%! If we hit 90% before our General Membership Dinner on Cinco de Mayo, Joel Gleason will raffle off $100 cash at the dinner.The raffle will be open to all FCPE contributors who attend the dinner if we meet our goal*.

FCPE funds go to support candidates for public office that support public education and the children we serve.  It is crucial that we start to build the fund for the 2016 election cycle.  With people like the Koch brothers who are projected to spend $900 million in 2016, we have to have money in the game to defend our profession. Every dollar we contribute helps so donate today!