President’s Point

It is absolutely critical that we have someone step up to the plate for President.  We have a major decision to make on whether to stay in Local Option or go back into the UniServ program. I consider our budget as only a minor part of that choice.  The most important part is who will be our next LRC (Labor Relations Consultant.) This is a person who our next President will rely on immensely. Our LRC is who we look to for advice on all the serious issues.  Not to mention bargaining! Now that we have mentioned bargaining, we will be doing that again next year. We need new vision and leadership at the top of CEA!

Did you know as the new President you can appoint new committee members and the Public Relations Chair?  Additionally, there will most likely be a vacancy in the position of VP that you will need to fill.  My point is that the team our new President has to work with is largely up to the new President.  There are many positions in which a member could build support around themselves as the new leader of our UNION.
P.S. If you thought this was short, wait ’til we have no President to write the President’s Point.  It will be really short and will take a really long time to get!


NEOEA Mega Conference

Five teachers from Clearview attended the NEOEA MegaConference in Warrensville Heights on March 14: Joel Gleason, Holly Miller, Molly Streator, Sarah Sexstella, and Jimmy Calhoun.

Seminars ranged from RESA Tips for those just beginning in the profession to extensive retirement seminars for those nearing retirement. The conference has three main areas: leadership development, professional development, and personal development. Each year teachers take away information to use in a wide range of applications from collaboration with colleagues to classroom practice to personal improvement.

Here are Miller’s highlight’s from Mega Conference:
*Socrative, an app that aggregates student responses from wifi-enabled devices to assist in polls, formative assessment, testing, and class discussions.
*RESA Tips – a representative from OEA explained how to decode the RESA handbook

Healthcare Updates

  • Healthcare Meeting Dates have been established:
    • December 11 at 4 P.M. in BOE conference room
    • March 10 at 4 P.M.
    • May 12 at 4 P.M.
  • In addition to committee members, observers are needed.


Enrollment forms for our new insurance plans will be due by November 25th (the Tuesday before Thanksgiving).

OEA welcomes the introduction of legislation to delay the use of high-stakes decisions based on student test scores

The following post was taken from in regards to OEA’s position on high stakes testing.


COLUMBUS — October 21, 2014 — The Ohio Education Association (OEA) today applauded the introduction of House Bill 642 by Representative Teresa Fedor, D-Toledo. The bill calls for a 3-year suspension of high-stakes decisions based on student test scores in measuring student growth and evaluating teacher performance.

“As Senator Peggy Lehner, the chair of the Senate Education Committee, has noted – ‘we are over-testing our kids’,” said OEA President Becky Higgins. “We urge state lawmakers to hit the pause button and determine which tests are actually needed and which are also appropriate for the grade level at which they’re being administered.”

OEA believes that with the use of the new Common Core standards in Ohio schools and the prospect of even more tests being conducted, it is important to take more time to make sure the implementation of these standards goes well.

“We’ve seen what has happened in other states where the hasty implementation of Common Core and the related testing has led to a backlash among parents, students and educators,” continued OEA President Higgins. “We support Ohio’s New Learning Standards, but we want to make sure Ohio gets it right. That’s why we think taking the time to ‘test the tests’ would be a prudent course to follow.”

Last spring, OEA members voted unanimously at their Representative Assembly to support the 3-year delay in the use of high-stakes decisions based on student test results. OEA is pleased that 18 co-sponsors have already signed on in support of Representative Fedor‘s bill.

“We recognize the need for a comprehensive assessment of student growth. But student assessments should not be overly-dependent on the results of standardized tests, “said Higgins. “Students are spending too much time preparing for and taking tests. There needs to be a more balanced approach to identifying the strengths and needs of students.”

About Us


NOTE: For the most updated information regarding our local, members can visit the PR Member Access Folder at this link. Thank you!

Clearview Education Association represents the teachers of the Clearview Local School District, promoting public education and advocating for its members and the students they serve.

The association is 102 members strong, with every teacher in the district affiliated with the NEOEA, OEA, and NEA. Members take part in workshops, leadership training, and the Rep Assemblies at the district and state levels.

The CEA has received Public Image Mini-Grants, has had two members win a Positive Image Awards and is a four year winner of the NEOEA’s “5 Star Award” for Leadership.

Email with any comments or suggestions.